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Our Business Models

Find out the best model that fits for your business to start eaning money with Candy Cloud World machines

Pink Sugar
Cotton Candy

We lease your space

We lease your space to put one of our machines. You earn from leasing your space plus a % of net sales.  


Agreed period of leasing between you and Candy Cloud World. 


We put and install the machine at your location.


We cover supplies and technical support. 


We do marketing plan to attract customers to your facility.


Your customers will enjoy of a fully innovative and actractive product.



Cotton Candy

Franchise Model

You buy the machine and we support to make it a successful business under our brand.


Get all the support and knowledge from our experts


Gain customers using our brand name


Shared investment between you and Candy Cloud World


Earn more than half of the net income


We take care of the supplier relationship


We support your import process

Want to know more?

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